Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Intent
At Fountains Primary School, our overall curriculum intent is to ensure that all children will achieve their full potential and become as independent as possible, preparing all children and young people for life after school. Through our curriculum objectives we want all children to be able to:
Communicate as effectively as possible
Be as independent as possible
Self-regulate their emotions improving their ability to access learning and the community they live in
Be as healthy as possible, in mind and body
Follow an exciting, differentiated, broad and sequenced curriculum pathway, which has been designed to ensure that all children will reach their full potential, educationally, socially and emotionally.
Develop their sense of self and character through the school’s strong SMSC approach underpinned by the school/MAT values which are generic skills that are essential to life, learning and work.
Be unique, creative, resilient and challenged to be the best they can be
Welcome diversity, appreciate and understand different religions and cultures
Forge and develop their own talents
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum has been designed into our four ambitious curriculum pathways, as we have recognised the need to prepare all of our children for their future life. At the heart of each design is a clear curriculum vision for all types of learners. Each pathway is set to ensure that every child’s prior knowledge is built through precision teaching and first hand experiences. Some subjects are interwoven through a holistic curriculum but some subjects are taught discretely following a scheme. This scheme is always adapted to meet the needs of the children and is always taught sequentially with steps of progress recorded and built on. The implementation of our curriculum also supports our teachers who are teaching subjects where they are not specialists as all schemes provide CPD opportunities within them.
Curriculum Impact
Every pathway ensures that every child makes the best possible progress and attainment. This is demonstrated in a variety of ways, through the summative assessment collated for each pathway, through children’s work and learning journeys/journals, through the feedback provided by all stakeholders (children, parents/carers, Governors and the Esteem Multi Academy Trust’s School Improvement Team and staff), the school’s website and all of our school events which celebrate all of the children’s achievements.
Within each pathway are purposeful and stimulating environments, enhanced enrichment opportunities and memorable moments, such as educational visits and theme days within school. These experiences excite and encourage life-long learners, building each child’s cultural capital. In addition to this and underpinning everything we deliver in school are our school and MAT values, which are centered on ‘Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills’. These skills are celebrated with all children and contribute to the children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education.
Please explore the intent, implementation and impact of each of our pathways below.
For further information, please see our Curriculum Policy below or contact the school office.
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