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We are delighted to tell you that Ofsted has published the findings of the inspection they conducted on the 13th and 14th September 2023. 


We would like to thank all of the parents, carers and friends who have supported us over the years and during the inspection period.


Please take the time to read through and find all the lovely things that the inspection teams had to say about our pupils and schools. The full report is available below.

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Inspection Outcome
Ambition is high for all pupils at The Fountains Primary. The school wants pupils to achieve academically and thrive socially and emotionally. Pupils have many special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) that can affect how they learn or access the world around them. Parents, carers and staff work together effectively to overcome potential barriers and help pupils thrive.
I couldn't recommend Fountains primary enough, the dedication from teachers is outstanding which was shown in their glowing Ofsted report. Having been to view other special schools, we knew walking through the door that the school has each individual child's best interests and needs at heart. Keep up the amazing work.

Parent Carer Feedback - 2023

Requests for copies

If you require a paper copy of any information published on the website or would like it in a large print, dyslexia-friendly or alternative format, please contact the school office and this will be provided free of charge.

Fountains Primary School

Bitham Lane, Stretton

Burton upon Trent

DE13 0HB


School Open 8:55am-3:00pm

Weekly Hours: 30hrs 25mins

Office Open 8:00am-4:00pm


T: 01283 247600

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Celebrating Difference
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Being Brave
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