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Dolphins Newsletter - Autumn Term 2

Writer's picture: Fountains Primary SchoolFountains Primary School

Welcome back! We hope that you have had a fantastic break and are now feeling ready for a busy and festive half term! We have been given the opportunity this half term to attend some very exciting including the cinema and pantomime, as well as preparing for the school Christmas production!

Last half term we were fortunate enough to attend a trip to ‘Tutbury Castle’, lots of fun was had by all. The children have really enjoyed our topic of ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’ so far. During Autumn 1 all of the children enjoyed following the ‘white rose maths’ scheme to support the teaching of maths and especially enjoyed making the most out of the school’s practical maths resources. ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics has also been very popular in our classroom, all children have enjoyed taking part in lots of exciting phonics activities each morning. In story time we read a range of stories including ‘Room On The Broom’, ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and ‘The Tunnel’.

This term we will be continuing the topic of ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’ and will be taking part in lots of exciting activities that revolve around this. Some of the activities we have planned include making artwork for inside of a castle and creating a crown for the king!

In Maths this half term the children will be further developing their knowledge of addition and subtraction. To support the teaching of maths at Fountains we follow the ’White Rose Maths’ scheme, there are lots of free resources that you can find online to support this.

In Phonics we will continue to follow ‘Read Write Inc’ to support the children’s phonetic development. The children have enjoyed writing sounds, words and short phrases and using ‘Read Write Inc’ strategies to support this.

If you have any questions regarding anything please either write in your child’s home school diary or use the contact details on the back of this newsletter.

Many Thanks, Mr Hylton and the Dolphins Team

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Fountains Primary School

Bitham Lane, Stretton

Burton upon Trent

DE13 0HB


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Weekly Hours: 30hrs 25mins

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