What a wet and blustery week we have had in Forest School this week! Unfortunately, weather conditions have resulted in slight adaptations to our plans but have certainly not dampened our spirits!
The children have been taking part in various exciting activities during the week and have had lots of fun taking advantage of the wet and windy weather. Pupils have been exploring the impact of the weather on the Forest School environment and have been jumping, looking at their reflection in the puddles and playing in the mud, which has resulted in a few wellies being left behind.
Some classes have made kites out of recyclable plastic bags, whilst others have been looking for the ‘first signs of spring’ and taking part in a scavenger hunt. Pupils have found many examples of new life in the form of buds on trees, spring flowers and catkins on the surrounding trees.
Pupils have also finished their planting and are waiting eagerly for carrots and bulbs to start showing signs of growth.