Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed half term.
After a very mixed up last half term we are hoping that all pupils and staff are back and keeping healthy and well.
Last term we enjoyed lots of autumn activities linked to our topic “why do leaves go crispy. We had a sensory story all about the weather changes, different colours we could see on the trees and how they change when they fall on the ground and explored a squirrel and hedgehogs diet. We made Autumn pictures using leaves and twigs as paint brushes (they were a bit scratchy) We made and ate, soup using seasonal vegetables, it really was delicious and we all enjoyed it at snack time. We have also made fruit puffs, hedgehog bread and iced biscuits that we sent home. We have been exploring different ways to build a tower, with different size blocks and have been working together and helping each other.
This term our topic is “is it shiny” which will lead perfectly into Christmas!!! We have a new sensory story about a visit to a space station and we have already made our helmets ready for blast off next week. We are all listening to a space song called “zoom zoom zoom were going to the moon” this has numbers from 10 in and lots of repetition so makes it easy to learn, you may have heard your child singing it, its very popular with Jellyfish and can be found on You tube if you want to listen to it with your child. Last week we learnt all about Diwali and the festival of lights, we made Diya pots and Rangoli biscuits, some didn't make it home as they were so delicious, we also looked at fireworks and the sounds they make for November 5th.
We hope to go out this half term to look at the displays in and around the area and explore everything “shiny”.