Welcome back. We hope you had a good Easter break and didn’t eat too much chocolate!
We are coming into May with a splash, this term our topic is ‘Why is water wet?’. We will be looking at all things wet and experimenting with natural materials sinking and floating, mixing colours, observing change, quantities, filling and emptying and hot and cold temperatures.
Our sensory cooking will be liquid-based and we will be mixing liquid with dry ingredients and looking at how they change when they are put together, angel delight, jelly, custard and muffins, this will include using all our senses to access and be included in all these activities.
Our Wednesday community visits will be to Morrisons for ingredients and we will use our symbol shopping lists, these trips are great for Maths, English and social skills.
Our pupils also enjoy visiting the café and we have had some lovely interactions with other customers. We also hope to visit locations with water sources and experience the sights and sounds that nature provides us with. Maths, English and Science will be naturally embedded in the topic and we hope to see lots of incidental learning along the way.
Last term our topic was ‘Why can't we eat chocolate for breakfast?’, this was very enjoyable. Whilst we did eat some chocolate, our focus was on healthy foods. We shopped for fruit and had tasting activities where we decided on our likes and dislikes, some decided just by smelling the fruits, and others needed to taste to make a decision. We filled in charts and then repeated the taste test overall for several weeks and found that we were pretty much consistent with our choices. We have planted carrots and are excited to harvest them once they have grown. Cress was grown in empty egg shells and we used it when we made sandwiches.
Our story was ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, which resulted in lots of Makaton signs learnt, tasting, matching, counting and anticipation of what came next and some fantastic retelling of the story using real-life materials.
The last week of term focused on Easter celebrations and we made cards and Easter Nests, the best bot of this was the chocolate tasting. We took part in the Easter Hat Parade and had some fabulously creative hats to wear. A big well done to all that participated and it was a great finish to the term.