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Lobsters Newsletters - Spring Term 1

Writer: Fountains Primary SchoolFountains Primary School

Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas break and are now feeling ready for a busy half term!

This terms topic is Moon Zoom. CRASH! What’s that in the playground? Let’s go outside and take a look. Stand back everyone – it looks like a UFO has crash landed. Find out who might have landed by exploring the craft and investigating scattered scientific specimens. Create a ‘Welcome to Earth’ box for an alien explorer. What can you put in it to help explain what life is like on our planet? Would you like to be an astronaut? You’ll need a pretty sturdy spacecraft if you do. Start off small by making an air-propelled rocket. How far can you make it travel? Find out the names of the planets. There’s Mercury, Neptune, Mars and – do you know any others? I’ve forgotten the rest. Then, an alien is found. Can you help get him home? It’s got the experts in a right kerfuffle. Professor Pong doesn’t know what to do. Are you ready for take off Year 1? Hold tight. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… LIFT OFF!

In Maths this half term the children will be continuing to develop their knowledge of numbers and quantities to 5, 10 and 20 and their place value. Towards the end of the half term, the class will move onto Addition and subtraction, in many different forms, with emphasis on sorting into groups and some simple addition.

The children will also be working through the Read Write Inc scheme of work developing their phonics knowledge and early reading skills.

We look forward to working with you over the coming year!

The Lobsters team, Dom, Claire, Adele, Alia, Abi and Glenys


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Fountains Primary School

Bitham Lane, Stretton

Burton upon Trent

DE13 0HB


School Open 8:55am-3:00pm

Weekly Hours: 30hrs 25mins

Office Open 8:00am-4:00pm


T: 01283 247600

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