Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic Easter break and are now feeling ready for the new term!
We would like to inform you of a change in staffing. Due to a recent reallocation of staff across school, Mr Harrison will be joining Rays and Mrs Millman-Jones will be joining another class within the school.
We would like to congratulate all of the pupils for all of their hard work over the last half-term. The pupils produced some amazing pieces of work. They also experienced Victorian toys, which facilitated some excellent learning about the past and which the children really enjoyed.
This half-term our project is called Beachcombers. Do you like going to the seaside? Would you like to be an expert beachcomber? There are some interesting and unusual objects that can be found at the beach. Have you ever seen a rock pool? Imagine taking a peek inside the cool water to learn about the weird and wonderful animals and plants that live in this microhabitat. We could even invent our own rock pool resident! What features would it need to survive in this watery habitat? Make a 3-D model of your plant or creature. Got your shorts and sunglasses on? Bucket and spade at the ready? Let’s go beachcombing.
In maths, we will be recapping and consolidating addition and subtraction. We will then move onto multiplication and division through counting in multiples, making equal groups , making arrays and sharing. We will finish the half-term by finding halves to learn about fractions.
All of the children will continue to work through the Read Write Inc. scheme of work, working hard to develop their reading and writing skills. We will also be using the Mighty Writer board to develop our skills in creating our own stories.
Thank you for all of your support.
The Rays team!
Mr Harrison, Marika, Abi, Jess, Alex, Olivia, Nina and Georgia.
Download the full pdf newsletter below