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Whales Newsletter - Summer Term 2

Writer: Fountains Primary SchoolFountains Primary School

Welcome back, we hope you all had a great half-term holiday.

Before half term we explored our topic ‘Are we there yet?’ We made vehicles and talked about where we would like to go on holiday. We role-played going on an aeroplane which was a lot of fun, and we booked imaginary holidays in our travel agents' role-play area. A special surprise happened when we were visited by the immersive Space Dome experience. We all got ready with our ‘space passports’ and enjoyed exploring space in the large inflatable dome; it was a really awesome experience that many of our pupils enjoyed, and it was great to hear their recall of facts we had learnt from our previous topic. Finally, we all took turns to role-play being a lollipop person and began to understand how to cross the road safely.

Our last week of school was taken over by the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. We had fun painting our own bunting, baking scones and decorating biscuits with red, white and blue icing.

This half term our topic is: Do cows drink milk? In this topic, we shall be exploring what baby animals are called, as well as what it is like to live on a farm and what animals live there. Further investigation may include:

  • where food comes from

  • animals that live on the farm

  • growing plants and crops

  • animal body parts

  • farm machinery

We are excited to go on the Faith Walk around Derby this week.

We are also planning a trip out to the Adventure Farm this half term, so please keep an eye open for the trip letter.

The Whales class team.


Download the full pdf newsletter below


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Fountains Primary School

Bitham Lane, Stretton

Burton upon Trent

DE13 0HB


School Open 8:55am-3:00pm

Weekly Hours: 30hrs 25mins

Office Open 8:00am-4:00pm


T: 01283 247600

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